Minister of Economy and Production (Finance) (April 2002 / November 2005)
Special and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the International Economic Organizations (Geneva) and to the European Union (Brussels), 2000-2002.
(*) Founding member of Ecolatina 1975-2000. His partnership, managerial and technical functions within his consulting company came to an end as off 4/14/2000.
Industry and Foreign Trade Secretary of Argentina (Minister), 1985-87.
Chief negotiator of the agreements on the Integration of Argentina-Brazil, 1986-87.
Undersecretary of Coordination and Politics of the State Secretary of Public Works and Transport of Argentina. 1975.
(*) Chairman of the Institute of Applied Economics and Society (IdEAS), 1980-1990.
(*) Chairman of the Board of Directors of steel company "La Cantábrica SAMIC",
General Director of Income Policies, Ministry of Economy, 1973-74.
National Director of Price Policy of the Trade State Secretary,1973-74.
Special and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the International Economic Organizations (Geneva) and to the European Union (Brussels), 2000-2002.
(*) Founding member of Ecolatina 1975-2000. His partnership, managerial and technical functions within his consulting company came to an end as off 4/14/2000.
Industry and Foreign Trade Secretary of Argentina (Minister), 1985-87.
Chief negotiator of the agreements on the Integration of Argentina-Brazil, 1986-87.
Undersecretary of Coordination and Politics of the State Secretary of Public Works and Transport of Argentina. 1975.
(*) Chairman of the Institute of Applied Economics and Society (IdEAS), 1980-1990.
(*) Chairman of the Board of Directors of steel company "La Cantábrica SAMIC",
General Director of Income Policies, Ministry of Economy, 1973-74.
National Director of Price Policy of the Trade State Secretary,1973-74.