Abdel Kader ould Mohamed born on April 22nd 1961 in Atar ( Mauritania) is alawyer, a writer researcher, former Minister. Holder of a post-graduate diploma of private lawat the university of Rennes I (France), he began his career in 1987 as corporate lawyer in the autonomous Port of Nouakchott. He was committedin political issues and those of the civil society of its country (in particular within the MauritanianLeague of HumanRights and at the level of the independent press).. Between 2002 and 2008, he occupied, successively, the functions of General Secretary of the Education, Vice Minister of the Foreign Affairs and the cooperation, Secretary of State in charge of the Arab Maghreb Union, GeneralConsul of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in Las Palmas. At the same time as his profession of legal adviser, he dedicates in the studies of expertise and in the multidimensional academic research in Arabic, French and Spanish languages, touching varied disciplines such ashuman rights, anthropology, history andcompared Muslim law. He is also teaching at the university of Nouakchott.
Commentator of debates, he is the author of publicationsamong them his book: “Mauritanie: chronique d’un débat dépassé” and a series of articles grouped under the title: “Mauritanie: chronique de la rupture” . He participated as author in the writingof collective books, in particular on the relations between Mauritania and Spain, on the euro-Mediterranean space ( the dialogue 5+5 ) and presented multiple contributions written in national and international meetings on multiple themes (Human Rights, democratic transition, Integration from the Maghreb, Problems of the contemporary Islam, immigration, cultural plurality, dialogue of civilizations ..)
Commentator of debates, he is the author of publicationsamong them his book: “Mauritanie: chronique d’un débat dépassé” and a series of articles grouped under the title: “Mauritanie: chronique de la rupture” . He participated as author in the writingof collective books, in particular on the relations between Mauritania and Spain, on the euro-Mediterranean space ( the dialogue 5+5 ) and presented multiple contributions written in national and international meetings on multiple themes (Human Rights, democratic transition, Integration from the Maghreb, Problems of the contemporary Islam, immigration, cultural plurality, dialogue of civilizations ..)